#​286 — June 8, 2023

Read on the Web

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New: AWS DMS Serverless: Automatically Provisions and Scales Capacity for Migration and Data Replication — AWS DMS Serverless is a new option in AWS DMS that automatically sets up, scales and manages migration resources to “make your database migrations easier and more cost-effective”. It’s now generally available, and this post shares a look at how it works.

Donnie Prakoso (AWS)

Ruby 3.2 Runtime Now Available in AWS Lambda — Ruby, one of Lambda's earliest officially supported languages, gets a long overdue runtime update, from 2.7 to 3.2. Praveen highlights the benefits of upgrading, noting that cold starts are marginally slower, and that 2.7 support has been extended until the end of the year to enable a smooth transition.

Praveen Koorse (AWS)

Dynaboard: AI Meets Low-Code to Get More Done, Faster — Build high performance authenticated web applications in a collaborative — full-stack — development environment.

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'The Next Generation of Serverless is Happening' — Notes the long lineage of 'serverless' (or vaguely similar) application technologies (from CGI through to PHP, cloud, etc.) before looking ahead to a possible 'next generation', where the paradigm shifts to one of data services.

Matt Butcher


'Serverless is the Future of Postgres' — “To differentiate the many flavors of PostgreSQL, the few truly serverless offerings promise better engineering and faster development”. Unsurprisingly, Neon features well here.

Matt Asay (InfoWorld)

How to Create a Serverless ChatGPT App in 10 Minutes — An overview of how to create a serverless bot that allows GitHub users to chat with ChatGPT and even each other directly in GitHub Issues.

Michael Yuan

Implementing Custom Domain Names for Amazon API Gateway Private Endpoints using a Reverse Proxy
Park, Doshi and Enderle (AWS)

Emulating AWS Services Locally with Localstack SQS and SNS
Emil Privér

Deploying Serverless Go Functions on AWS Lambda
Bilal Khan