#​262 — September 23, 2022

Read on the Web

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CockroachDB Serverless Now Generally Available — We first shared news of CockroachDB's foray into the serverless space with their database platform last year, and now it’s just been made generally available. Their SQL-based resiliency-oriented database platform has evolved since its initial reveal too, adding new integrations and a new migration toolset, as outlined in this post.

Nate Stewart (CockroachDB)

AWS Fargate Increases Compute and Memory Resource Configurations by 4x — This means you can now configure Elastic Container Service tasks and Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) pods to use up to 16 vCPUs and 120GB of memory, approximately four times more than before. Fargate might be containers-done-serverlessly, but now you can scale their resources up to quite serverful levels. (By comparison, AWS Lambda will get you up to around 6 vCPUs and 10GB of memory at the function level.)


Courier: Email, Slack, and Push Notifications Made Easy — Contacting your users should be simple. That’s why we built Courier. With a single request you can contact your users on multiple channels. Even better, you can schedule notifications and route to the best contact method. Try it today.

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Cloudflare Adaptive DDoS Protection: A New Traffic Profiling System for Mitigating Attacks — A new adaptive DDoS protection system that learns unique traffic patterns and claims to constantly adapt to protect against sophisticated DDoS attacks.

Omer Yoahimik (Cloudflare)

'How We Embraced Amazon EventBridge for Our Event-Driven Architecture' — A look at EventBridge and how it can simply the coordination of managing multiple microservices in a decoupled manner.

Raphael Jambalos

Secure AWS Lambda Networking with VPCs — Cloud security expert Teri touches on some of the security and logging implications of running Lambda functions within a VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) and why taking a zero-trust network approach might be a good idea.

Teri Radichel