#​260 — September 9, 2022

Read on the Web


All You Need to Know About AWS CodeBuild & CodePipeline — A good overview of the fundamentals of AWS’ serverless continuous integration and delivery services, “a mature service, that offers high reliability, and fair pricing and does not come with many operational costs”.

Tobias Schmidt

Serverless Messaging Latency Compared — A comparison of the latency involved with common messaging-related services, such as SQS, EventBridge, SNS, DynamoDB Streams, etc. Luc shares the methodology, findings, and full data for you to dig into.

Luc van Donkersgoed

Debugging Serverless Environments is Difficult — Level up your serverless debugging experience with Rookout's serverless debug session. Quickly identify problematic areas with the addition of graphic visualization of the serverless function history. Try Rookout's Live Debugger Free Today.

Rookout sponsor

A Serverless Architecture for High Performance Financial Modelling — Financial modelling is a computationally expensive process, often carried out in real time to stay ahead of the competition. This case study post describes how it works at RenaissanceRe, one of the world’s leading reinsurance companies.

Matthew Meckes (AWS)

'Let's Stop Talking About Serverless Cold Starts' — “Cold starts are very real in the serverless world, but they aren’t a problem in most cases.” It does broadly feel like the narrative has moved from this as being a fundamental issue.

Allen Helton


▶  AWS Serverless Services with Paul Swail — A ~20 minute chat touching upon AWS services, “the importance of being pragmatic” with serverless and how to lead with context.

Dave Anderson

Serverless Domain Driven Design — Breaking down DDD concepts with real world examples into a tangible serverless equivalent.

Lee James Gilmore

Introducing New Intrinsic Functions for AWS Step Functions — Examines how to use intrinsic functions (such as those for arrays, data encoding, math operations, etc) to optimize and simplify your workflows.

Benjamin Smith

Is Serverless the New 'Timeshare'? — No, not the apartment in Spain type of timeshare, but timesharing in the mainframe sense.

Shai Almog

How to Build a Serverless WebSocket Platform with AWS API Gateway Lambdas — Note that it focuses on the limitations of such an approach because they want to show how their approach is better ;-)
Jo Stichbury (Ably)

Five Things That Will Change The Way You Use AWS Lambda
Walid Lezzar beginner