#​200 — May 14, 2021

Read on the Web

Serverless Status
Serverless news, views, and developments each Friday

Serverless Framework vs SAM vs CDK — There are so many ways to structure your AWS Lambda deployments, whether using AWS supplied tools like SAM and CDK, or external things like Serverless Framework, Begin or Arc. In this post, a developer compares three of the most popular approaches with the pros and cons for each.

Sebastian Bille

The AWS Serverless Patterns Collection — The Serverless Patterns Collection is a repository of examples of integrating multiple AWS services in both SAM and CDK formats. This post gives a quick example of how it can be used, or you can jump into the repo on GitHub.

Talia Nassi (AWS)

Application Monitoring Built for Serverless — See performance bottlenecks and exceptions in distributed applications by analyzing request flows with payloads, metrics and events. Search any payload, users, or tags in application-level calls; explore end-to-end request flows across microservices.

Epsagon sponsor

Four New Ways to Improve the Security of a Google Cloud Run Environment — You can now mount secrets from Secret Manager, use your own encryption keys, use ‘binary authorization’ to only deploy trusted container images, and also get security recommendations from the Recommendation Hub.

Steren Giannini and Daniel Conde (Google)

Lambda Layer: 'Not a Package Manager, But a Deployment Optimization' — It’s amazing to think Lambda Layers are almost three years old, but I’ve certainly found them useful for managing dependencies – so it’s interesting to see how Yan is beginning to think about them.

Yan Cui

In Brief:

  • Google is introducing committed use discounts for Cloud Run with 17% discounts on offer (with a year's commitment).

  • 🎉 Congratulations to Jeremy Daly and the Serverless Chats podcast for reaching 100 episodes. The 100th episode itself features a twist with Jeremy being interviewed by Rebecca Marshburn about his vast array of work in the serverless community.

  • Somehow the news above made me notice that we have just hit issue 200 ourselves here.. doesn't time fly! 😱

  • Azure Web PubSub is a new Azure service for building real-time apps powered by WebSockets. Preview only for now.

How to Send Changes from DocumentDB to Amazon MSK via AWS Lambda — If you’re using Amazon’s MongoDB-esque DocumentDB and want to monitor changes and send them through to Amazon’s Kafka service (MSK), a Lambda function can do the trick.

Murat Balkan (AWS)

Use Netlify Functions to Send Email Notifications — How to add custom email notifications triggered by actions from users on your site.

Sean C Davis

Building a Massively Scalable Serverless Chat Application with AWS AppSync
Sarah Hamilton

The Story of Building a Serverless CRUD App with AWS Lambda and Go
Arjit Jaiswal

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