#155 — June 19, 2020

Read on the Web

Serverless Status
Serverless news, views, and developments every Friday

You Can Now Mount a Shared File System in AWS Lambda Functions — This is a big deal! AWS Lambda functions can now mount Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) file systems which opens up a lot of new use cases. While you could push and pull files to and from S3 before, having a proper, shared filesystem ready to go within a serverless function is a big development.

Amazon Web Services

Eliminating Cold Starts by Predicting Invocations of Functions — Is it possible to use data to anticipate when serverless functions might be needed in order to pre-warm them? There’s a paper that digs into just that and this post digs deep into the idea.

Mikhail Shilkov

Understand Serverless Functions & Why They Fail — Monitor & troubleshoot microservice environments to get the full picture of what they’re doing, down to the payload level. Optimize service costs, troubleshoot issues & reduce MTTR with full data correlation & distributed tracing. Try free and grab a t-shirt.

Epsagon sponsor

AWS Lambda Powertools for Python Now Generally Available — A suite of utilities for AWS Lambda Functions that makes tracing with AWS X-Ray, structured logging and creating custom metrics asynchronously easier.

AWS Labs

▶  Looking Back at the Best of a Year of Serverless Chats — Host Jeremy Daly looks back at a full year of podcasting interviews with a variety of serverless luminaries by featuring lots of ‘best of’ bits and pieces from interviews across the year.

Serverless Chats Podcast podcast

Rolling User Auth in Cloudflare Workers Apps with Auth0 — Cloudflare have added a very extensive tutorial to their official docs for Workers that overs authenticating and authorizing users with the Auth0 identity platform and then persisting the credentials in Workers KV.


Creating a Basic CI/CD Pipeline for Serverless Apps — How to set up a CI/CD pipeline around AWS SAM, GitHub and CircleCI.

Emily Shea

An Introduction to Cloudflare Workers KVWorkers KV is a serverless key-value store designed to be used from Workers serverless functions.

Kay Plößer

Building Loosely-Coupled Serverless Solutions with Azure Event Grid — Event Grid can massively simplify how you connect services in any solution without the need for a lot of configuration or management ceremony.

Simon Waight

▶  Why DynamoDB is the Database of Choice for Serverless with Alex DeBrie — A 30 minute chat with Alex DeBrie, an AWS consultant who’s increasingly well known for his great DynamoDB articles (and book!)

Screaming in the Cloud Podcast podcast

Save Your Sprints. Build Tools 5x Faster — Quickly build the tools your company needs with Retool. UI building blocks connect to any DB or API— Lambda included.

Retool sponsor

Some Google Serverless Gripes“I’m all in on Google but I wish Google was all-in on serverless and had better offerings to help startups like ours thrive.”

David E. Weekly

Planning on Using AWS Step Functions? Think AgainStep Functions provides a way to coordinate multiple AWS services in serverless workflows and they’re great.. for some use cases. Bassem digs in.

Bassem Dghaidi

Airtable Proxy Cloudflare Worker: A Way to Make Secure Requests to the Airtable API from a Frontend — A well presented use case for something like Cloudflare Workers – proxying requests securely from a Web-based front-end to a backend API while keep secrets secret.

Portable CTO