#94 — March 29, 2019

Read on the Web

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Serverless Status
serverless news, views, and developments every Friday

Enriching Event-Driven Architectures with AWS Event Fork Pipelines — AWS Event Fork Pipelines is a serverless design pattern on top of SNS, SQS and Lambda for building scalable, highly available event-driven systems of your own.

Otavio Ferreira

Load Testing Serverless Apps at Comic Relief — A followup to last week’s splendid case study about how Comic Relief went serverless that looks at their load testing approach.

Adam Clark

Build & Deploy Serverless Apps on a Global Cloud Network — Learn how to start writing serverless APIs in JavaScript, and reserve a custom subdomain for your next project.

Cloudflare Workers sponsor

An Overview of AWS Lambda Security — AWS has released a whitepaper that looks at its Lambda service ‘through a security lens’ and is aimed at CIOs and analysts. It’s pretty high level but provides a good overview and reassures that Lambda is compliant with all of the most significant security standards (e.g. PCI DSS, HIPAA).

Amazon Web Services

Serverless, Inc. Reveals Serverless Framework Enterprise — The Serverless Framework (not to be confused with the idea of ‘serverless’ in general) is a popular toolkit for working with and deploying serverless apps. They’re now taking things a step further with enterprise-grade features like performance monitoring and secrets management.

Austen Collins (Serverless, Inc.)

faastRuby 0.5: Build Rich Serverless Applications using Ruby (and Crystal) — I’ve been watching this project mature from afar and they’re doing some interesting stuff in the serverless space for Rubyists.

Geoff Sullivan

📝 Tutorials

How to Use Knative to Deploy a Serverless App on Kubernetes — Containers or serverless? A question that will soon be superfluous with Knative which provides middleware for handling the ‘boring but difficult’ parts of running serverless apps on Kubernetes.

Robert Neumann

Serverless DNS Over HTTPS (DoH) at the Edge — This is quite platform specific (it uses StackPath’s EdgeEngine which lets you execute serverless functions at edge locations) but it’s a neat walkthrough of something not usually done serverlessly.

Chad Retz (StackPath)

How to Run 1000s of AWS Lambda Functions Each Minute — How one developer would use a ‘fanout’ pattern to run 1000s of AWS Lambda functions each minute.

Ivan Klishch

Monitor AWS Lambda Usage and Performance — Track latency and errors for all your functions, and send custom metrics to Datadog with minimal instrumentation. Start your free trial.

Datadog sponsor

Building a Fully Serverless Realtime CMS using AWS Appsync and Aurora Serverless

Yi Ai

How to Warm Your Lambda Function Properly — I’m sure we’re all waiting for a day when this sort of thing isn’t necessary anymore.

Woonki Moon

Dynamic Image Resizing with Node.js and the Serverless Framework — An image resizing or thumbnailing service is probably the second step after “Hello world” when it comes to serverless. Here’s how to pull it off with the Serverless Framework and Node.

Nick Gottlieb