#​251 — July 1, 2022

Read on the Web


↑ An example of just one of the many workflows available. 

Introducing the New AWS Step Functions Workflows Collection — A “fresh experience that makes it easier to discover, deploy, and share Step Functions workflows”. This blog post dives what the workflows are, and what challenges they help solve. You can see the growing collection directly here.

Benjamin Smith

Vercel Edge Functions Now in Public Beta — This new feature is now in beta. Vercel’s take on this uses the Edge Runtime (built on V8) resulting in “faster cold boots and higher scalability than Serverless Functions”. There’s related documentation here.

Velasco, Ubi, Burns (Vercel)

Scaling a Reliable Notification System with DynamoDB — If you’re going to build your notification infrastructure internally follow these guidelines and requirements. If you’re tired of working on it, reach out, Courier can help.

Courier.com sponsor

▶  Discussing Cloudflare Workers with Michael Hart — A handy catch up on all things related to the popular Workers platform including their key/value store, Durable Objects, R2, and more.

Serverless Chats Podcast podcast

Prisma Cloud Expands Runtime Protection to Azure Serverless Functions — Prisma Cloud (a cloud-native app protection platform for Azure) now has a serverless ‘Defender for Azure Functions’ protection in the runtime, providing full-lifecycle security.

Derek Rogerson

Developing an App with Netlify Serverless Functions and MongoDB — How to build and deploy a web app that leverages MongoDB and Netlify Functions for a serverless experience.

Nic Raboy

Serverless-Express 4.9: Run Existing Node.js Frameworks on AWS Lambda or Azure Functions — The idea is that you can build HTTP APIs in the usual way on top of Express, Koa, or Hapi, say, and this provides the wrapper necessary to let them run on AWS Lambda or Azure Functions.

Vendia Inc

The State of AWS Serverless Development — A personal take on the breadth of the current AWS serverless offering.

Daniele Frasca

Embracing Serverless: Inspired by S3, Going S3rverless — Options for serverless databases that “promise the experience pioneered by Amazon S3”.

Fajrin Azis

Fermyon Wants to 'Reinvent The Way Programmers Develop Microservices'
Ron Miller (TechCrunch)

Build Functions from Source Code with OpenFaaS's Function Builder API
Han Verstraete


Amplify CLI 9.1 – Toolchain for simplifying serverless web/mobile development.
Rowy 2.6 – Airtable-like UI for Firestore meets browser IDE for cloud functions.
Bref 1.6 – Deploy and run serverless PHP apps on AWS Lambda.
AWS SAM CLI 1.53 – Tool to build, test/debug and deploy serverless apps.