#​207 — July 2, 2021

Read on the Web

Serverless Status
Serverless news, views, and developments each Friday

Behind the Scenes of AWS Lambda — An accessible, though technical, look behind the scenes at AWS Lambda and how your code is run and requests are routed. A Jeff Barr approved article, too (well, he shared it on Twitter at least 😏).

Bruno Schaatsbergen

▶  Serverless Infrastructure as Code with Ben Kehoe — Newsflash: The Serverless Chats podcast has a new co-host! Jeremy and his new co-host Rebecca Marshburn talk to Ben Kehoe about the infrastructure as code (IaC) concept, what it means in relation to serverless, and why the concept is important and growing in popularity generally.

Serverless Chats Podcast podcast

Run Faster and Safer Than Linux with Open Source Unikernels — Run serverless on your own terms. No devops necessary. Run 2X as fast on Google. Run 3X as fast on AWS and deploy in 10s of seconds using open source unikernels.

NanoVMs sponsor

How OpenFass Got Close to the MetalOpenFaaS is a system for deploying serverless functions on top of Kubernetes and this easily understood slidedeck explains where it fits in and what it offers.

Alex Ellis

Implementing A LIFO Task Queue using AWS Lambda and DynamoDB — SQS works great for creating FIFO (First-In-First-Out) queues, but what about when you want the last in to be first out (a.k.a. LIFO).

Diggory Briercliffe

Cortex: Your Own 'Serverless' Platform on AWS — The idea here is that Cortex provides you with an AWS Lambda-esque abstraction but running on EC2 instances, so.. there are servers (as there always are) but you still get the serverless abstractions.

Cortex Labs

Monitoring and Troubleshooting Serverless Data Analytics Applications — The latest in a long running series of posts from James on fleshing out a streaming data analysis app. This post gets a bit meta and focuses on monitoring the app and ensuring the various pieces can keep up with the necessary throughput.

James Beswick

Under the Hood of New Relic’s Lambda Extension — Learn how New Relic’s Serverless dev team integrated with AWS Lambda Extensions to reduce costs and latency.

New Relic

C# 9 In-Process Azure Functions — This post shows how to use C# 9 with in-process Azure Functions running on .NET Core 3.1.

John Reilly

Picking the Right Memory Size for Your AWS Lambda Functions
Karsten Eckhardt

Using GitHub Actions to Deploy Serverless Applications
Gopi Krishnamurthy (AWS)