#159 — July 17, 2020

Read on the Web

Serverless Status
Serverless news, views, and developments every Friday

The Most Remarkable Legacy System I Have Seen — A fun story of how a bank had a sort of internal AWS Lambda-esque platform running with over 500 Python scripts on it.

The HFT Guy

A Crash Course on Using AWS CDK — AWS’s Cloud Development Kit (CDK) makes it possible to define cloud infrastructure in code and provision it with CloudFormation. This article looks at the basics of using it to create a serverless app for querying different data systems.

Renato Byrro (Dashbird)

Fix and Prevent Misconfigs in Terraform, K8s, and Serverless — Bridge the gap between security and developers with a common language—code. Bridgecrew’s developer-first platform automates and codifies cloud security in both run-time (AWS, GCP, etc.) and build-time (Terraform, serverless, etc.). Sign up for free.

Bridgecrew sponsor

Why You Might Not Need Third Party Monitoring — A case for using AWS’s native observability, monitoring and alerting services with examples consisting of 3 microservices using AWS CDK each in their own repos.

Rehan vn der Merwe

How I Built a Serverless Twitter Bot in Node in a Day — Insights, steps, and useful links if you want to build your own basic Twitter bot on top of AWS Lambda functions.

Spencer Pollock

How Liberty Mutual Is Transforming Its IT with Serverless — Boasting about reducing a cost from $50k per year to $10 per year seems a little hyperbolic, but nonetheless, this insurance company seems to be finding a lot of cost savings in going serverless.

Todd R. Weiss (TechRepublic)

How to Deploy a TensorFlow Lite Model on AWS Lambda — A developer shares how he took the task of analyzing images with TensorFlow serverless, complete with full source code.

Jean-Pierre Gehrig

▶  Building Serverless Applications Using Webiny — This week, Jeremy Daly talks with Sven Al Hamad of Webiny, an open source framework for building serverless apps on top of AWS Lambda.

Serverless Chats Podcast podcast

Case Study: Learn How Intercom Reduced Test Times by 85% 🚀 — Self-hosted agents work with all source code tools, languages and platforms, reliably speeding up tests at any scale.

Buildkite sponsor

Google Unveils BigQuery Omni for Multi-Cloud Data AnalyticsBigQuery Omni lets you analyze data in Google Cloud (as BigQuery usually does) as well as AWS with Azure coming soon. It’s “multi-cloud data analytics for the modern age.”

Google Cloud Blog

▶  How to Build An Alexa Skill in 9 Minutes using Python

Trilochan Parida