#180 — December 11, 2020

Read on the Web

😆 Somehow the biggest news items this week aren't about AWS Lambda – enjoy it while it lasts ;-) We're back next week with a retrospective of serverless in 2020 before taking our Christmas break. See you then!
Peter Cooper, your editor (follow me @peterc)

Serverless Status
Serverless news, views, and developments every Friday

New: Azure Functions in Any Language with Custom Handlers — Till now, Azure Functions has focused on runtimes covering languages that align well with Microsoft's ecosystem (e.g. C#, F#, PowerShell) but now that Custom Handlers is generally available, Go, Rust, R, Ruby, and PHP (or anything that can spin up an HTTP server) are invited to the party.

Anthony Chu (Microsoft)

Cloud Run Adds 'Minimum Instances' FeatureCloud Run is Google’s ‘run containers serverlessly’ platform, and if avoiding start-up latency is important to you, you can now ensure your app never scales entirely to zero.

Google Cloud Blog

Feature Management Platform: Build or Buy? — In this article, we explore the advantages and disadvantages of using either a homegrown, open-source, or hosted feature management platform.

LaunchDarkly sponsor

What You Need to Know About Aurora Serverless v2, So Far — Yan Cui asks (and answers!) a handful of questions you might be having about what Aurora Serverless v2 really means versus “v1.”

Yan Cui

.NET 5 AWS Lambda Support with Container Images — Last week, we mentioned AWS Lambda’s new support for container images (as opposed to the ‘upload a ZIP file’ approach) and this provides a great way to work with .NET 5 on the platform.

Norm Johanson

Optimizing Lambda Cost with Multi-Threading — Last week AWS Lambda let us turn up the volume to 11 with support for 10GB of memory and 6 vCPUs when running our functions! If you were wondering if more power could equal substantially lower running times, this article puts it to the test.

Luc Van Donkersgoed

Serverless Node.js You Can Run Anywhere with OpenFaaSOpenFaaS is an interesting open source functions-as-a-service platform you can deploy to your own machines. Here’s how you can use Node with it (and not just functions but Express apps too).

Alex Ellis

HOWTO: Packaging AWS Lambda Functions as Container Images — What the new AWS Lambda container image functionality offers and how to build such an image and run it.

James Beswick

Changing the Game at AWS re:Invent with AnneMunition Dec. 15, 3pm PST — Nerd out with New Relic and Minecraft disruptor Anne Munition at this exclusive virtual event. Click to sign up now.

New Relic sponsor

Managing Serverless Flows with AWS Step Functions — A step-by-step guide to AWS Step Function workflows for a serverless application with full monitoring and troubleshooting.

Saar Tochner and Jente Peeraer

How to Create a 'Client-Serverless' JAMstack App with Netlify, Gatsby and Fauna — This is for you if you want a complete walkthrough of building a JAMstack app with Fauna providing data over GraphQL, functions hosted by Netlify, and a Gatsby powered client side app.

Tapas Adhikary

How to Create a AWS Lambda Layer of Your Ruby Gem Dependencies — Throwing Ruby code into the cloud with AWS Lambda is easy, but getting the heavier dependencies (e.g. nokogiri, or the http gem) working isn’t quite as easy. I worked out how to do it sans framework.

Peter Cooper

Adopting Azure Serverless Architectures to Help Reduce CO2 Emissions — Sustainability and ecological impact isn’t a topic that gets discussed very often in the application architecture context.

Srinivasan (Microsoft)

Build your Backend with Netlify Functions in 20 Minutes — While most of the time you think of Netlify for deploying frontend code, this looks at using Netlify Functions combined with AWS services like DynamoDB to build a fully functional cloud-based backend.

Kyle Mitofsky

How to Set Up an AWS Lambda and Auto Deployments with GitHub Actions
Jakob Lind

Build RESTful APIs on Serverless Platforms Like Cloud Run
Google Cloud Blog

Cloudash: A New Monitoring App for AWS Serverless Architectures — An experiment in creating a desktop app (Mac only for now) to quickly access logs and metrics for Lambda functions (with more on the way). Looks like a neat first step to what could be a very useful (though commercial) app.

Maciej Winnicki