#117 — September 6, 2019

Read on the Web

Serverless Status
serverless news, views, and developments every Friday

AWS Lambda Cold Start Language Comparisons, 2019 Edition — A follow up to a previous analysis of the cold start times of AWS Lambda running with different runtimes (which now also includes Ruby). It seems things have improved significantly! Node.js is the big winner, but you’ll be shocked by which runtime comes second..

Nathan Malishev

Announcing Improved VPC Networking for AWS Lambda Functions — If you’re an AWS Lambda user using VPC networks, this is huge news for you as you will see dramatic improvements to function startup performance and more efficient usage of elastic network interfaces.

Amazon Web Services

MySQL to the Cloud. Thoughts on Migrating Away from On-Premise — Learn the top five things you should consider before moving to the cloud.

Percona sponsor

▶  Moving from AWS Lambda to Azure Functions — Started off with AWS Lambda and want to move over to Azure Functions? Here’s a set of videos covering the basics. Not a topic we’ve seen much on before, but useful to know.

Jeremy Likness

What I've Learnt Running the Azure Functions Updates Twitterbot for Half a Year@az_func_updates is a Twitter account that sends a tweet whenever a new Azure Functions-related release goes live. Its creator reflects on matters like failure, resiliency, monitoring, and costs.

Marc Duiker

How To Store Your AWS Lambda Secrets — Do it right once, so you don’t have to redo it when your application load increases.

Timothy Jones

Large-Scale Serverless Machine Learning Inference with Azure Functions — How to use Python Azure Functions with TensorFlow to perform image classification at large scale.

Anthony Chu

How Does Switching to Pantheon’s WebOps Platform Achieve a 156% ROI? — Find out in Forrester’s TEI study and learn how to increase efficiency of your web dev team and managing CMS upgrades.

Pantheon sponsor

▶  Discussing Go's Role in the Serverless World — The latest episode of the popular Go Time podcast covers serverless approaches to development, going from the basics to how Go is specifically well suited to the task.

Go Time Podcast podcast

A Browser Extension That Replaces Occurrences of 'serverless' with 'cgi-bin' — Yes, this is a joke. But I chuckled 😄

Geoffrey Huntley