MySQL In the Cloud: Migration, Best Practices, High Availability, Scaling

Many of the systems and processes that once were owned by businesses are being moved to offsite “service” models: Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), etc. These services are usually referred to as being “in the cloud” – meaning that the infrastructure and management of the service in question is not maintained by the enterprise using the service.
When it comes to database environment and infrastructure, more and more enterprises are moving to the cloud to manage this vital part of their business organization. Database services provided in the cloud are often referred to as Database as a Service (DBaaS).
The next question after deciding to move your database to the cloud is “How to I plan properly to as to avoid a disaster?”
Before moving to the cloud, it is important to carefully define your database needs, plan for the migration and understand what putting a solution into production entails. This webinar discusses the following subjects on moving to the cloud:
  • Public and private cloud
  • Migration to the cloud
  • Best practices
  • High availability
  • Scaling