#​216 — September 10, 2021

Read on the Web

Serverless Status
Serverless news, views, and developments each Friday

Cloudflare Workers Gains Native Rust Support — Cloudflare Workers’ WebAssembly based approach has allowed the use of Rust for some time, but now it’s possible to do natively with no JavaScript required.

Steve Manuel (Cloudflare)

Serverless Cloud: A New Platform from Serverless Inc. — Serverless Inc. has been in the serverless game since pretty early (the clue’s in the name?) but they’ve focused mostly on tooling for deploying functions to AWS and similar platforms. Now, however, they have a serverless app platform of their own. Anthony Campolo has posted an independent first look at how it works, too.

Serverless Inc.

Shortcut Puts the 'Can' in Kanban and the Agile in Agile — Imagine how much more you could get done if your project management tools didn't make you sigh. Shortcut is the ideal solution for task management, bug tracking, iteration planning, and reporting. Delight the scrum gods and give us a try for free.

Shortcut sponsor

DigitalOcean Acquires Nimbella, a Serverless Platform — Nimbella is a cloud-native software stack, extended from Apache OpenWhisk, for running serverless apps. An interesting move that will surely filter into DigitalOcean’s service offerings in due course (in 2022, we’re told).


▶  Discussing Serverless for Newbies with Emily Shea — Emily is a senior serverless specialist at AWS and talks about how she got involved with serverless technologies, the challenges she faced, and how she uses her own learning experiences to help AWS customers use serverless more effectively.

Serverless Chats Podcast podcast

How to Observe EventBridge Events with Postman and WebSockets“I have been experimenting with WebSockets and EventBridge and found a new workflow using Postman to observe events in real time.”

David Boyne

Rendering Blender Scenes in the Cloud with AWS Lambda — Certainly not a use case I’d expected to read about, but it’s neat you can do this.

JR Beaudoin (Theodo)

Not on My Servers: Migrating a Spring Boot App to AWS Lambda Functions with Thundra — A story of migrating from monolithic to “micro” and expensive servers to serverless – with a happy ending!

Jerrel Fielder

'I See the Next Phase of Enterprise Application Delivery' — .. and the author thinks it’s Google’s ‘run containers in a serverless fashion’ Cloud Run service.

Brian Kaufman

Tracing AWS Lambdas with OpenTelemetry and Elastic Observability
Michael Hyatt (Elastic)

Writing Unit Tests for Lambda Functions in Python
Emily Shea